Monday, September 24, 2012


September is IC Awareness Month! We are dedicating this month to our enemy that plunges us into suffering every day. The more people that hear about this dreaded disease, the more likely some brilliant scientist will take it on as his personal goal in life to find the perfect treatment for us.

I am just a victim of the disease, I am not a medical genius nor do I have millions I can donate to help spread awareness and continue research. All I have is my words that I use to write this blog. I have reached people who have never heard of IC and many who suffer alone with IC every single day. I want this to reach even more people from all over the world! IC isn’t prejudice and people all over suffer with this debilitating disease.

Just recently I got an email from some one in Australia who was desperately seeking support from others in her neck of the woods.  If a patient can’t even find one person who also has IC, how can she find treatments and a doctor who will care for her?

I want IC to be known and dreaded. I want people to know exactly what we suffer with when we tell them we have IC. I don’t want to us to explain it. I want to hear about IC Walks all over the country and see that beautiful teal IC support gear in stores.

The pain from IC is compared to the pain from cancer frequently. Obviously we don’t have a death sentence but we do have a life sentence. If nothing changes in the research and treatment world we will suffer with this for the rest of our lives. We live in pain instead of die in pain. We need just as much awareness and support as cancer!

Please share my blog so that people completely unaware of IC can be informed. If this is the first you have ever read of IC, take a minute and read into it. My first couple blog entries really detail what IC is and how we all suffer differently. Then share it! Each person that hears about IC is another score against our enemy.

Thank you for helping me spread IC awareness. This is personal. This is my life. This means the world to me.

Find out more at


  1. Thanks for posting a link to the site. Didn't know IC was all official with a color and flower. :)You inspired me to start my own blog about my struggles with IC. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.

    It's been amazing that I've been able to encourage so many people, even ones that don't have IC.

  2. Two things: one - Thank goodness there isn't pain in heaven. Two- so happy I found your blog and you are generous enough to share your experiences with strangers. It is breathing life into me. Thank you.

  3. I wanted to thank you for posting this, as well as doing a blog about I.C., I wish more people became aware of it, and I have begun blogging as well about it to try and educate people. Thank you for writing your blog! It has helped me.
