Friday, September 6, 2013

Dear Deni circa 2001

Day 6 assignment asks us what we know now that we wish we knew when we were first diagnosed.

Again it's different for me because I was so young, 14, when I was diagnosed. So there are a lot of things I know now that I wish I knew then! 

Such as, there IS such a thing as too much lip smackers cupcake lip gloss, Dr. Martens are not the height of fashion, and having 648 butterfly clipies in your hair isn't as ravishing as you think. 

But I assume the question is in reference to our Ic. In which case there's even more I wish I knew back then. So if I could go back and pass a perfectly folded note to 14 year old Deni, I'd write to her these 10 things. 

1. You are not weird because you're sick. Well... You are weird. But not cuz your sick.

2. You didn't do anything to cause all of this, it's not your fault.

3. The friends that are true will stay by your side, forget about the ones who leave you behind.

4. Cling to your family more than anyone, they'll be with you every step of the way.

5. One day you will get a myspace (you have no idea what that is but don't invest too much in it when the time comes, it's short lived) message from a boy that you know now. I won't spoil the surprise but he is one of the kindest boys you know and he will try to support you through this diagnoses but you'll push him away. Don't worry. He won't hold that against you in 5 years. You will marry him and he will be your best friend. 

6. As much as you feel like your body is turning against you and torturing you during your period. It's going to be the means to a beautiful, blessed child one day! 

7. Don't try to wear clothes that flare up your pain just because you think you have to be trendy! Also, believe it or not leggings will come back into fashion! 

8. Ask Dr. Brown for zofran! It's a miracle drug that helps the nausea. You'll eventually become allergic to it but enjoy it while you can.

9. I'm so proud of you for working so hard to keep up with other kids in school even though you're doing it mostly from home! Keep it up and you will graduate with your class, I know that seems impossible now.

10. Last but definitely not least- you are not IC. You have IC. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are faithful. You are kind. You are hilarious. You are loved by your family and God. 

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