Monday, September 2, 2013

The Weed.

Happy IC Awareness Month!!! 

Every day in September I will be writing something to spread awareness of this horrible disease that is impacting more and more people every day! I know of a 7 year old little girl who was just diagnosed and I know 60 year old man who was as well and lots of women in between! This disease is not prejudice, it affects anyone it please! 

Yesterday the challenge was to name our bladder and thanks to my clever husband we came up with El Vejiga Diablo (the devil bladder in spanish). 

The assignment for today was to write a poem about how IC has POSITIVELY impacted my life... Poetry always makes me feel very vulnerable and I don't share much but here it is for all to see! 

The Weed.

The weeds in a garden 
Must seem like its enemy 
Constantly encroaching 
And hindering growth 

Keeping tulips and tomatoes
From flourishing
With ease and fertility

But how fresh and abundant
Would that garden be
That flourished in spite
Of weeds and hardship

As a young lady growing 
Into the woman
I have become
IC was my weed

No gardener could hold this 
Particular weed at bay 
So it reared its heads
Yielding its thistly leaves 

I thought it was
Holding me back 
From growth
From life
From positivity 

Until one day I realized 
I may have not bloomed 
As a healthy girl may
As a carefully weeded garden might 

But my roots were deep 
My stem was strong 
I persevered
I grew. 

I blossomed
With prickly weeds entangled 

I became more than a meer flower
I became a sturdy, enduring woman
The IC made me stronger
Just like weeds makes
Any resilient flower

Now as a woman,
A veteran of the battles:
Good vs evil. 
Weed vs flower.
IC vs life. 

I know I am who I am
Because of my daily battle
With this encroaching and hindering
Weed of a disease.

I will continue to flourish amongst my IC
Using it to strengthen me
The flower will do the same with the weeds.
We will both produce abundantly


  1. Deni this is beautiful. I love it. Can I join in on this challenge of yours?!

  2. I am a fellow IC sufferer who periodically reads your blog. I've commented on one of your posts before and when I read your poem I felt compelled to again. It is such a beautiful piece and the weed analogy was perfect. You have a real talent for expressing yourself and I so admire your bravery in stepping forward and speaking out about this illness. Reading your blogs always gives me hope because no matter how terrible and painful things are for you, you are able to look on the brighter side and take the good with the bad (something I am still learning). Reading your story has had a positive impact on my life and my recovery, so thank you!
